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Real-time monitoring of implant stability.

Introducing the Ortho-DxTM Diagnostic Sensor System.
The first surgically placed micro-sensor to precisely monitor the dynamic stability of orthopaedic implants.

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The Problem

Postoperative failures often stem from orthopaedic implant loosening, leading to expensive revision procedures.

Instability Is The Most Common Indication for Revision Hip Arthroplasty in the United States: National Trends From 2012 to 2018
Alex Ufill-Brown MD et al; Arthroplasty Today 2021

Orthopaedic surgeons often encounter difficulties in accurately identifying loose implants.  Secure fixation (osseointegration) between host bone and implant, requires motion restriction to less than 150 microns. 

The earliest sign of component loosening on a plain x-ray is a 2mm shadow between implant and host bone. (1mm= 1000 microns).

Additional studies, although helpful, are imprecise.

Pictured are the x-rays of two patients. 

Both have disabling hip pain.

One hip is obviously loose.

The other hip is questionably loose. Higher resolution is needed.

Source: HSS
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Our Soluton

The Ortho-Dx Diagnostic Sensor System.
Accurate within
40 microns (0.04mm).
50 times more accurate than an x-ray. 

OrthoDx Overview

Ortho-Dx is focused upon the development of a wireless sensor system to precisely monitor host bone/implant micro-motion in real time, without batteries, without x-rays.

Precise diagnosis of implant loosening allows for early Institution of therapeutic measures such as modified weight bearing and/or pharmacologic intervention which may lessen the annual multibillion dollar burden surgical revisions place on the system.

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The Ortho-Dx Diagnostic Sensor System is currently under development.

©2025 by Ortho-Dx Inc.

Not Cleared for Sale in the U.S.
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